Our passion is making the church visible in society by helping people who are in need. A HiP belief is, help should be available to all people regardless of their culture, background, religion or status. Anyone can receive help from members of local Christian churches.
HiP (Help in Practice) is a communication network that connects people with a need, to volunteers that want to provide the solution to their need. The person with a need is matched with a volunteer in a church in their local area. These volunteers are motivated and equipped to help by utilizing their God given talents. Our goal is to assist the church to be what Jesus speaks about in Matthew 5:14-16, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden… let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven”.
HiP is created within The Act Foundation to help church-pioneers in using this effective tool. Being a pioneer, TAF provides coaching to make HiP possible in any city or country. On their part, pioneers have to take ownership in leading the operation and embracing the vision and core values.
Telefonos Szeretetszolgálat (TelSz) was founded in 2009 and became a HiP-organization in 2014. The organization was initially settled in two cities in Romania: Cluj Napoca and Targu Mures. Team leader Norbert Sajo and his team help hundreds of people every year. Up to 2017, over 2,143 unique callers were helped. Opening their activities in a third city will probably boost numbers.
Contact person
RO06 BTRL EURC RT02 2703 8401 (EUR)
Serviciul de Ajutor Telefonic a fost înfiinţat în 01 ianuarie 2014 cu recunoştinţă faţă de Dumnezeu pentru o mulţime de lucruri bune primite de la El, pe care încă nici măcar nu i-am putut mulţumi.
Serviciile noastre sunt desfăşurate cu ajutorul oamenilor de afaceri şi a voluntarilor locali încă din anul 2009.
Pe numerele uşor de reţinute Cluj-Napoca: (0040) 264 / 56 56 56, Tîrgu-Mureș: (0040) 265 / 55 55 55, ne-au contactat deja mii de oameni cu diverse nevoi şi ofertări, în fiecare joi și vineri între orele 15-20. Şi pe această cale dorim să îi mulţumim pentru încrederea şi sprijinul acordat!
Persoana responsabilă
RO56 BTRL RONC RT02 2703 8401 (RON)
Menedékház. Viharok előtt, után, közben. Annyi különbséggel, hogy nem a hegyekben, hanem a város szívében. Ott ahol néha élelemre, gyógyszerre, takarításra, bevásárlásra, ügyintézésre vagy éppen néhány jó szóra van szükség.
A Telefonos Szeretetszolgálat 2014. január 1-én indult Isten iránti hálából a sok jóért, melyet még csak megköszönni sem volt alkalom. A szolgálathoz köthető tapasztalataink 2009-ig vezethetőek vissza.
Szolgálatunk az önkéntes munkatársak segítségével és a helyi üzletemberek támogatásával működik.
A (0040) 264 / 56 56 56-os és (0040) 265 / 55 55 55-os könnyen megjegyezhető telefonszámokon már több százan kerestek fel bennünket kéréseikkel és felajánlásaikkal csütörtökönként valamint péntekenként 15 és 20 óra között. Ezúton is köszönjük támogatásukat és bizalmukat!
RO56 BTRL RONC RT02 2703 8401 (RON)
RO19 BTRL HUFC RT02 2703 8401 (HUF)
In 2011 a group of local churches (Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Methodist) in the city of Ruse made the first steps in development of a HiP NGO for their country. Leader is Pavel Ivanov, working with a team. In September of 2014 they launched their own national website. In July 2015 HiP Bulgaria opened a new office and their helpdesk. Up to March 2016 they received about 80 help requests and many people could be helped.
Contact person
HiP (Help in Practice) International was founded in 2009 to empower churches worldwide to help the needy. At HiP we believe in the power of local churches to show the love of Jesus Christ. It is our vision to make the Church visible to society by helping the needy. Our mission at HiP International is to communicate that vision and to spread best practices and sustainable examples worldwide.
Contact person
NL69 ABNA 0614 2481 32
HIP ist ein Netzwerk von Mitgliedern aus Kirchen und Gemeinden, die ehrenamtlich Hilfe für Menschen in Not anbieten. Personen, die Hilfe suchen und kein soziales Netzwerk und finanzielle Ressourcen haben, um Hilfe zu beschaffen, wird auf diese Weise geholfen durch Personen, die dadurch ihre eigene Kirche oder Gemeinde repräsentieren.
Angebot und Nachfrage werden von dem lokalen HiP-Büro zusammen gebracht. Ein Antrag auf Hilfe wird zunächst von einem Mitarbeiter im HiP-Büro bearbeitet und dann wird ein oder mehrere passende Helfer gesucht. Sowohl die Person, die wegen Hilfe anfragt als auch der Helfer wissen so, was sie erwarten können, wo die Hilfsanfrage beginnt und wo sie endet.
Gemeinden und Kirchen und andere Organisationen arbeiten in dem lokalen HiP-Büro zusammen.
Hilfe praktrisch (HiP) e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein.
die Kontactperson
DE054 8050 1610 0021 530 13
George Afong was inspired by the vision of HiP and decided to see if it was feasible to start HiP among the churches of Bamenda (NWP). George Afong, director of HiP Cameroon, together with two other pioneers, created an organization with more than 70 participating churches and over 700 volunteers. In the summer of 2010 they opened a help desk to meet help requests. In 2014 HiP Cameroon received 260 help requests with a 80% matching score. Early 2013 HiP Cameroon launched their own national website.